Friday, May 28, 2010

Crack heads 2010

Ok, my siblings and I were having a discussion on crackheads, unfortunately it appears we know quite a few too many of them. We were discussing their life expectancy, quality of life from dirty tricks, and weight issues. Apparently some of us think that crack heads can OD (overdose) on crack. I for one do not believe this.. I mean I'm pretty sure you can smoke yourself retarded enough to do some god awful sucks and blows to get your butt stomped.. but I do not think you can physically smoke yourself to DEATH. Cocaine.. I can see your heart bursting from snorting way too much considering who knows what the hell they put into that crap in the first place. Heroin, well we all see the news reports from people OD'ing on an almost regular basis, not to mention all the pharmaceuticals people tend to go looney gah gah with.
From my own personal experience in dealing with a crack head, its normally someone quite thin from not eating or wearing proper clothing as they have pawned and sold every bit of material they can for a crack piece. Who needs to eat when you can inhale CRACK?! lolz And they walk around all red eyed and wonky, sometimes yelling at randoms trees and objects. For some reason they insist on trying to make friends with me and telling me wacked out stories about cops stalking them in trees and other nonsense like this... Apparently I am a crackhead magnet.. maybe I should become a detective I would make so many bonuses!!!
I kinda lost my train of thought there for a moment..
Alrightie, so now that we have my opinion that the addict has no food because they have to buy their crack pieces, they would be slim you would think right? Nope. Apparently there is a new breed of crack head amongst us!! They like to have a nice big order of Crack and Cookies!
Can you believe it!?!?!?
These crack monsters dive in garbage pails not only for change and things to barter with but for damn leftovers! Didn't want that last bite of McDonald's Cherry Pie? Fatty McCrackSmokingNuggetNana is here to scoop it off that soiled pampers and slurp it on down with some fudge sauce.. and this sauce is right below the rim job.. gotta make money for that big piece!
So next time you see a red eyed, wild mannered, sketchy fatty.. don't think you are crazy thinking they act like a crack head because if there's Crack and Cookies in site........ they just might be the one buying!

Thanks for reading my thoughts on crackheads in 2010, they may not OD on crack smoke but maybe that cholesterol level will be the last straw.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Men! Who needs 'em?

You know, all of us females (that are heterosexual anyhow) kinda do to some point, and I hate that. Every time I check my myspace/facebook/plenty of fish or email and find a new damn Zoosk message I just want to forget about dating for forever!
I haven't taken my profile down just in case one of these days I get out of my mood and decide to date again. I also keep it on as a reminder of how scummy and lame the men that are interested in me are.
I have messages where they state their "member's" size, tell me how they want to "please" me and all of that disgusting shtuff.. it only makes me want to write back and tell them how revolting they are and they would be lucky to insert their member into anything more than an old vcr! But I haven't gone that far yet.
I find it funny how these guys really do not read my profile or they wouldn't even had written about dating in the first place or they would see I have it up to make FRIENDS not lovers. That shows respect right there... "I didn't have time to actually listen/read what you have to say so can you stop what you are doing and have sex with me?" is what I feel like they are saying.. repulsive..
Then the ones that think they are just so amazing because they did spend the few minutes to do it and expect a reward for it.. blah What is even worse than that are the ones that read what I look for in a man, where I wrote exactly what I will date, if I decide to date again, and I will only date guys that fit that exact description, and these guys have absolutely NOTHING in common or even close to what I want. It really bugs the hell outta me!
The Tampa dating scene is really scary right now, the amount of people walking around with Herpes, HPV, HIV and other STDs here is insane! Then the attitudes that they have on top of it, half of them don't care to let you know they have something before the deed is done. I have had a few friends "burned" this way. The clean half just have really crappy attitudes as well, everyone is so involved in each other's business, gossips, drama starters, queens, it really is hard to find a "real person" around here.
I find myself thinking I really am stuck in a game.. and most of the people around here are self absorbed NPCs... truly shallow and not worth saying more than hi, thanks, goodbye to..

Well thats about all the ranting I have on this subject for today, thanks for reading!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Coming Soon!

Security issues with my gmail linked blogger account lead me to create this new Blogger and attempt to delete the old one.
Will fill in more info and post my old blogs here along with some updated nonsense soon as well~ XD

I have a strong interest in anything Metaphysical, Tarot Cards, Pendulums, Reiki (want to learn this) crystals, stones, scrying, spellcraft.. etc.,
I am an avid crocheter that never learned many stitches or how to read a pattern, now I am relearning through Ravelry, YouTube, and a few old stitch books as well as learning to Knit through these mediums as well.

I really REALLY want to learn how to use my Circular Needles! Knitting in the round has totally got me stumped, flat up against a wall here! YIPES

Well.. time to call this a note before it ends as a novel. Updates soon!